What ifs…
You lay awake at night, worried about everything that has gone wrong and what might go wrong.
What if you get fired?
What if you can’t pay your bills?
What if your partner leaves you?
What will people think?

Sunday night the feeling of dread
starts building.
You feel the tension mount just thinking about it all starting again in the morning.
Needing your job, but the pressure is too much.
Worried that you’re not measuring up.
You can’t wait until Friday.

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…
Wish you could go back in time to avoid the emotional pain of regret and guilt?
It’s such a hopeless feeling, knowing you can’t change it now.
Peace of mind seems impossible. You can’t go on like this.
Something needs to change.

What happened to us?
He was the only one for you… you knew it almost from the first time you met. Nothing could keep you apart. But since the kids came along…
We hardly talk anymore.
He’s so preoccupied with his job. As soon as the kids are in bed every night, you’re exhausted. You head for the computer for some well-deserved “me” time.
And time marches on.
You rehearse what you want to say to him, but you just can’t say it. You’re afraid it will start another fight. He gets defensive and says, “I feel criticized.” So, you fall asleep (or pretend to) before he asks about having sex.
You drift further and further apart.
It’s like living parallel lives in the same house. You’re living but not sharing your lives. Something needs to change.

Change is possible.
The way you think, feel, and act can change.
My office is a safe place to share what’s in your heart and find the deep connection you want.
Through our work together, you’ll be better equipped to make important decisions. You’ll learn the tools you need to manage painful feelings, resolve conflicts, and start healing.
Together, we will shine a light into yourself and your relationships.
In the process, you can take the controls and steer your life in the direction you want to go.
It takes some courage,
but it’s not as hard as you think.
You’ll be guided and supported all along the way.
Are you ready to take the first step?
Welcome, I’m Nick.
For over 35 years, I have journeyed with people through this amazing experience called therapy.
It takes courage to be honest and vulnerable.
I admire that courage.
Taking an honest and non-judgmental look at ourselves and our situation is the first step to change and growth. I have learned from my own experience that when I am not seen, heard, and understood, I feel alone in dealing with life circumstances. It can be overwhelming.
My goal is to see you, listen to you, and come to understand you from your point of view.
When we address your struggles together, you will no longer be alone.